Back in the Daze – Part 3: Sessionz
Eventually, Fougy re-established a weekly presence back at The Spot called Sessionz. Over the course of the next 2 years from 1996-1998 Sessionz was Boston’s premiere Jungle/DrumnBass night with residents at different times including Timestretch, Casper, G White (myself, now G Notorious), Static, Stareyes, Mike Spears, and Al Fougy himself. The night brought in some of the biggest names in Jungle and DrumnBass (as it was rapidly becoming called); Ed Rush and Optical, DJ SS, LTJ Bukem, Kemistry & Storm, and Grooverider among many, many others. By this time, particularly the night when Lady Miss Kier of Deelite came to town to play a Jungle set, the night was massively outgrowing The Spot and started venue hopping.
Back in the Daze – Part 2: Lesson One
When Jungle Roots ended in 1996, the ever determined Al Fougy continued pushing with one offs like Purple Skies, Blue Metal, and the legendary Lesson One. Lesson One was at The Paradise and was the first time some of the biggest UK names came and played on a stage in Boston, and possibly the only time some of them have. Andy C, Randall, and Darren Jay blew the crowd away on the decks with MC GQ in full command of the mic to a completely packed house… Click through to read more and see all of the photos.
LINEUP POSTED – Third Annual Good Deed DJs Christmas Marathon
Check out our Gofundmepage and get in on the Good Deeds early 🎅
It is that time of year again where we as a DJ community try and get on Santa Claus’s nice list and what better way than giving back.
For the third year in a row we will be raising money for Cumberland Happy Baskets and this year adding Toys for Tots. We will have 48 hours of continuous music, promoter discussion and some other shenanigans.
The first 24 hours will he hosted by Hennessey Sound Design and the second 24 will be hosted by Supreme Sound & Lighting.